Langley Mill Academy is part of Djanogly Learning Trust.
Information about the Trust can be found

Langley Mill Academy

Special Educational Needs at Langley Mill Academy



In accordance with the SEN Code of Practice (June 2014), our vision at Langley Mill Academy is to recognise everyone is a learner and everyone is committed to supporting learning in all its forms.

Our Values underpin our learning behaviours and flow through our curriculum. They identify us as a team and unite us in a shared vision. Our motto is: Live, Laugh, Learn – living life to the fullest through learning together as a community. 

Respect - for ourselves and others in all we say and do

Confidence - to believe in ourselves and make a positive contribution to our community

Determination - to overcome obstacles and reach success

Enthusiasm - to seek opportunity, find positives and pursue talents and interests

Aspiration - to dream big and be prepared to work hard to be successful

Kindness - to help and support others, and empathise with those experiencing challenges

Children who have SEND are those for whom individualised educational provision has to be made for a period of time (that which is additional to or different from the educational provision made generally for children of their age).

At Langley Mill Academy, educational equity means that every child's needs are being identified, recognised and understood and differentiated support is put in place to enable equal access. The goal is the same for all children. Progress. What may be different is the route they will follow or the support they will get.

Information for Parents & Carers 

We have produced a Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Parent & Carer Handbook to provide an overview of SEND provision at Langley Mill Academy and our graduated response approach to SEND. 

This Padlet will give suggestions for extra help with learning if you are finding things tricky or need a bit of extra support supporting your child. You can find information on dealing with emotions, improving speech language and communication skills, support for ADHD, reading difficulties and dyslexia. 

Learning Support Padlet 


Useful Links

Langley Mill Academy Special educational Needs Policy.

The Langley Mill Academy Special Educational Need Information Report. 

Langley Mill Academy Accessibility Plan.



Our interim Special Education Need  Co-ordinator is Jo Gilhooly. 

Our supporting Trust Leader of SEND and Safeguarding is Claire Al-Hussaini. 

Please contact or phone 01173 712840 to book an appointment.